Well this week
Hermana Wiborny and I had another week in the work of the Lord!!!!!!! Last Sunday we had a family in our ward
invite one of their friends to church and this friend of theirs came!!! We asked her if we could come to her house
and we had two super great lessons with her this week about the Plan of
Salvation and the Restoration!!! She is
super great and Hermana Wiborny and I are praying that she has been prepared by
the Lord to accept His gospel into her life.
She shared yesterday in one of the classes that she has studied a few
different religions but none of them have made an impact like this one
has. Well that would be because it is
She is our only
investigator right now. I am trying to
have patience and not get frustrated!!!!
Yes it is all in the Lords
Yes they made
it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omi’s dried apples made
it!!!! I have NO idea how but they made
it!!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the things you gave to my companion. Also thank you for the things for Hermana
Chineppe!!! She will LOVE it!!!! I am so sad my necklace broke with my faith
seed. I wasn’t expecting that you would
send me one too!!!! It made me
happy!!! And then I realized that it was
already broken and I was sad:(((( But that’s
ok I have my sister necklace!!!!! I have
worn my sister necklace EVERYDAY since!!!!!!!!!
Ok and I feel
REALLY bad!!!! Yesterday was mother’s
day here in Argentina so I made you mother’s day video but it is too long and
so I can’t send it :( I’m sending
Kensington’s birthday video here in a minute to her.
Read it. Live it. LOVE it!!! Because this gospel is SO great!!!!!!!! |
This gospel is
TRUE!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE this gospel and I
know that it is true!!! I know that our
Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ stand at the head of it!! I know that President Thomas S. Monson is
their servant here upon the earth to help us understand their will!!! I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
live and love us way more than we can understand. I know that they live!!! I know that the Book of Mormon is true and is
the word of God!!! I LOVE reading it and
know how I can be a better person and being able to be closer to the spirit by
reading it. I love and miss you all lots
and lots and lots and lots!!!!!
Con Amor,
Hermana Kent
Monday Morning Selfie |
Hermana Wiborny and I at Church |
Laura Peralta bringing me my package from home!!! |
Hermana Wiborny and I. |
Favorite chocolate from home:) |
Favorite Argentine treats:) |
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